Friday, July 25, 2014

2 book titles to try with dyslexic teens

Here's 2 titles I'm about to try reading to my class of teens. A wonderfully imaginative teacher told me they worked really well with her class.

They look a bit bleak at first, I agree, but she said they have a triumph-over-adversity tone that worked amazingly well. Check out the old classic detective novel A Time To Kill, and the more recent real life story of a young man's perilous rock climbing adventure, Between A Rock and A Hard Place. 

If you're a parent or interested other, reading out loud to someone who is managing dyslexia is a good thing to do. Reading out loud together is really good too (takes a bit of practice at first but the other person hears your voice, which helps his/her fluency). Reading a book to another person then leaving him/her to carry on reading by themselves is great. Afterwards, watch the movie together, and slam all the inconsistencies!

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