Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dyslexia means not always getting it (auditory working memory).

When you have dyslexia you typically have trouble with auditory working memory.  -You tend to forget
  • things you just tried to learn
  • the steps you were just told
  • what you were just doing
So you probably had a bad time in school with multiplication tables, following the teacher’s instructions and learning to read by sounding-out. And that’s why you’re probably a whiz now at using a calendar and daily organizer, voice recognition apps or plain old to-do lists.  It's also why, if you have a child who’s having a hard time at school, you can be their best mentor and advocate!  -Ask the teacher to please simplify her instructions, provide check lists and be, well, cool with it! 

(Oh, and don't be fooled -You'd think every teacher would know this already, being trained and all, wouldn't you. You'd think you wouldn't have to check.  Umm, no. Check this stuff. Check again. And keep checking.)

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