Friday, July 25, 2014

Fast For Word- a computer program for auditory processing/phonological awareness

A few days ago I was speaking at a conference in Melbourne, Australia, and got chatting with the cameraman. "I'm really interested in this," he told me.  "My son struggled."

I asked what the problem was and what he had done. "It was auditory processing," he said, "but now my son's fine."

So now I was really interested too! We talked for a while.  He told me he had bought a piece of software, sat down with his son and, over a period of a few weeks, played with it, and, "It worked."

I have no experience of this program myself, I'm just passing on what I was told.  But maybe it's something you might like to investigate if you've been told your child has trouble with auditory processing?  The program cost around $400 AU, which is probably a lot less than paying for ongoing help from a speech therapist.  These things can be very expensive. Often it's the personal one-on-one time that's the crucial factor.  Good luck!

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